Posted by James Dowling in Gloucestershire Link on 23 March 2010

We are delighted that two of our recent applications for maternal health project funding have been successful.


£120,000 over three years has been awarded to The Kambia Appeal from the International Health Link Funding Scheme run jointly by The British Council and the Tropical Health and Education Trust to fund training programmes to improve all aspects of maternal healthcare provision for staff at the Kambia Hospital and at the health centres throughout the district.

The three-year project, consisting of visits to Kambia by small groups of medical personnel from the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, will provide training for a wide range of Kambian health workers, with the aim to improve local maternal and child health skills.

The programme will provide:

15 Community Health Officers with training in emergency obstetric care, vacuum extraction and basic surgical skills

57 Maternal and Child Health Aides with annual training in basic maternal health care and adult and neonatal resuscitation

40 Voluntary Nursing Aides with annual training in basic nursing and adult resuscitation

10 hospital staff with training in Ultra Sound Scanner skills

8 hospital staff with annual training in operating theatre skills and management

2 Anaesthetic nurses with annual skills updates and training

Basic medical equipment, including vacuum extraction and delivery kits, surgical sets and training models

The grant covers airfares, travel visas, inoculations and accommodation for UK medics travelling to Kambia, and training materials, travel and subsistence for all Kambia trainees.

Find out more about the Kambia-Gloucestershire Health Link.


£45,000 over three years has been awarded by The Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation in support of The Kambia Appeal’s emergency transportation link for pregnant women using motorbike ambulances.  The grant enables us to purchase five additional vehicles to add to the six that are already saving lives in Kambia.  The funding also covers the running costs for all the vehicles for the next three years, as well as a comprehensive training programme for the motorbike ambulance drivers.

Click here to find out more about our Transportation Project.